Monday, November 5, 2007

In His Time

I am very grateful to my Lord for allowing me to be part of His wonderful movement. Yesterday at our worship service His presence was strong, I give Jesus all glory and honor, because we could not do it without Him, it is for Him and through Him that we can experience His touch and to hear his voice through His word. God is working in His church, in His people, do not miss what he is doing at our church.

Not my time but HIS TIME.

Genesis 21:2
2 For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him. 3 And Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him--whom Sarah bore to him--Isaac.

Many of us have learned that God has a "set time", a divine appointment. Abraham, called the father of faith, believed God's promise. Today something is happening within you that is the
direct movement of Almighty God. Today something in your life is happening by divine appointed time. Do you believe it? Hebrews 11:1 mentions that faith is NOW not later, not one day. Faith is to expect something we have not seen nor heard but we trust will come from our God.

Do you have an unanswered prayer? Have faith in God and in His time, you will receive that which unselfishly you have prayed for. But mean while He will give you the strength, wisdom, peace, love, and the faith to stand if and only if you believe that TODAY YOU HAVE A DIVINE APPOINTED THAT WILL RELEASE A BLESSING.

In His Love and Grace,
Pastor Ricardo Brambila

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